


Terms of Use



This tutorial is written for PSP 8.  The Vector drawing tools are very similar in version 9 and X so you should be able to complete it using those versions.  The Vector Tools in PSP 7 work a little differently and unless you are very familiar with them you will not be able to complete this tutorial using that version.

No external filters or other tutorial supplies are needed.


Create a new image 400 x 400 White Background, Raster

Layers menu, New Vector Layer

Click on the Preset Shapes tool, and choose the Ellipse preset shape from the pull down on the Tool Options Pallet.

On the Materials Pallet, set the foreground color to Pale Grey and set the background color to a Very Dark Grey.  Set the Foreground material type to Null and the Background material type to gradient.

Click on the background material block to set the gradient options.

Gradient = Foreground - Background
Style = Sunburst
Repeats = 4
Centre Point - Horizontal = 50
Centre Point - Vertical = 50
Link Centre and Focal points = ticked




Draw a circle filling a little over half the width of canvas - start in the top, left corner of the canvas and drag down to the right until you have a big enough circle (it doesn't matter if its not an exact circle).

Click on the Object Selector tool, and use it to drag the centre spot of the circle up so that the circle is in the upper part of the canvas.

Objects menu, Align, Horz.Centre in Canvas.


Layers menu, Convert To Raster Layer

Effects menu, Distortion Effects, Spikey Halo - use the following settings:

Horizontal = 0
Vertical = 20
Amplitude = 2
Frequency = 5
Radius % = 1
Edge Mode = Transparent



Layers menu, New Vector Layer

Click on the Preset Shapes tool.  The Ellipse shape should still be selected.

Set the Background material to Medium Grey and Solid Color.  The foreground material should still be set to null.

Draw an oval for the turkey's body.  As we are drawing with vectors, you can adjust the size and proportions

Click on the Object Selector Tool


Selections menu, From Vector Object

Layers menu, New Raster Layer

Effect menu, 3D Effects, Cut Out

Vertical = 0
Horizontal = 0
Opacity = 100
Blue = 70
Shadow Color = Black

Selections menu, Select None


Layers menu, New Vector Layer

Click on the Preset Shapes Tool

On the Materials Pallet, change the background to gradient and set the Foreground color to very dark grey and the background color to very light grey. 

Click on the background gradient block and set the following options for the gradient.

Gradient = Foreground - Background
Style = Linear
Angle = 0
Repeats = 0

Set the Foreground material to null.

Draw a long, thin oval in the center of the body.

Click on the Object Selector tool, and adjust the size and position of the oval if you need to.


With the oval still selected, click on the Pen tool - this puts you in node editing mode.

You should see the nodes of the ellipse at the top, bottom and left and right sides.


Select each of the side nodes in turn and move the left and right nodes up and shorten the ends of the rotation handles for both of them - as shown here....

Add new nodes about half way down the oval on each side (as shown) by holding down the Ctrl key on the keyboard while clicking on the edge of the shape in the position where you want to add the node.


Move the new nodes in, so that the oval has a pinch - this will be the turkey's neck.  And, stretch the rotation handles for the bottom node.


When you have finished adjusting the nodes, click on the Object Selector tool.

Selections menu, From Vector Object

Layers menu, New Raster Layer


Effects menu, 3D Effects, Cutout

Vertical = 0
Horizontal = 0
Opacity = 75
Blur = 25
Shadow Color = Black


Layers menu, New Vector Layer

Click on the Preset Shapes tool, and select the Ellipse preset shape from the pull-down on the Tool Options Pallet.

On the Materials Pallet, set the Background material to Black, solid color and the foreground material to null.

Zoom in 2 or 3 times - this makes drawing the eyes and beak less fiddly

Draw 2 small circles for the turkey's eyes.

Click on the Object Selector and use it to adjust their position if necessary. 

Click on the Preset Shapes tool again

Select the Triangle from the pull-down on the Tool Options Pallet.

Change the background colour to orange.

Drag diagonally upwards to draw a small triangle for the turkey's beak.

Click on the Object Selector tool and adjust its size and position if necessary. 


When you have finished adjusting the beak and eyes with the Object Selector, click in the empty space below the turkey's body - so that none of the vector objects you have drawn are selected.  This is very important!

Click on the Pen Tool, and on the Tool Options Pallet, select the Freehand "Segment Type". 


Set the line Line Style to "Solid" and the Width to 5

Set the Foreground material to Orange, Solid Color and the Background material to null.

Use this tool as a freehand brush to draw in the legs and feet.  Click the "New Contour" button on the Tool Options Pallet whenever you want to start a new line.

When you have finished the legs, Click on the Object Selector, and again click in some blank space so that none of the vector shapes are selected.

Click on the Pen Tool again

Change the foreground colour to red

Select the Freehand Segment Type again and set the Tracking to 1 and the Width to 3.

Draw in the dangly thing turkey's have on their beak.


Finally, delete the white, background layer and then Layers, Merge Visible.

Crop away the excess canvass area.

File menu, Export, Picture Tube.  Just give him a name and click OK