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This tutorial is written for version 8, but can be done in version 7 and 9 - but some things may be on different menus and have slightly different options available.  This tutorial is not written for complete beginners - it is assumed that you know how to select materials and create text etc. 

 Stroke Width = 4  Stroke Width = 2


 To  use this technique you either need a very chunky font or large text.  The bigger and chunkier your text is the wider your foil border can be.


Create a new image 150 x 450 pixels, transparent background.  (the width depends on how long your name is, but you can crop later if it is too wide)

Add a new Vector Layer

Click on the text tool

Set up your Colour/Materials Pallet as follows:

Set your foreground and background colours to a very light and a dark shade of the colour you want your text filled with.  

Set your background to gradient and then select your Foreground-Background gradient option - Style Linear, Repeats 7, Angle 45.

Set your foreground to gradient and select "Metal Steel" as the gradient option.   If you don't have that particular metallic gradient, you can use any silvery, gray gradient.  Set the Style to Linear, the Angle to 45 and the repeats to 2.

Click on your image with the text tool.

Type in your text and then highlight it. 

Set your stroke width to 2, size to 72, and select a font.  You will be able to see a preview of your text on your image.  (Version 7, make sure "Create as Vector" is ticked.

Click Apply - then stretch your text if necessary, to fill most of the image. 

Click on your text, then highlight it in the text entry box.   Increase the stroke width if necessary - what works best depends on the font you are using.  Make sure enough of the fill colour is showing for a shadow to show up on it, but don't reduce the stroke width to less than 2.  If not much of the fill is showing, try a different font.

When you are happy with your text click Apply

Layers menu, duplicate layer

On the layer pallet, click the + next to the "Copy of Vector 1" layer, and on the line that is revealed, click on your text.

Click on the text on the image, highlight the text in the text entry box and then set the background colour/material to null (the no-entry sign)

Click on Apply.

Layers menu, Convert To Raster

Effects, 3D Effects,  Drop Shadow :

Horizontal = 1, Vertical = 1, Opacity = 60, Blur = 1, colour = black.

On the Layer Pallet, click on the Vector 1 layer

Layers menu, Convert To Raster

Adjust, Add/Remove Noise, Add Noise :

Uniform, monochrome, 40%

If you want to, you can add further effects to this layer (the text fill).  In the example above I have used the Blinds Texture,  Width = 4, Opacity = 40, Color = Black.

When you've finished applying affects to the fill text layer, merge your layers.  This is best on a white background or on top of a background image/tube.  It doesn't work well saved as a transparent .gif because of the drop shadow.

You don't have to use a silver foil for the stroke/foreground material - you could use almost any color gradient with light and dark shades of the same color.

You can also use this technique on top of a background image/tube.