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Holiday Tubes

 This page contains tubes for Paint Shop Pro (PSP) which are seasonal, and holiday items. Holidays currently included are Easter, Halloween and Christmas.

The Red Garland is a tube brush which you use in a continuous motion to "paint" a length of garland in any shape.   Please save this tube directly to your tubes folder and use it from there (does not need to be unzipped).  You should NOT try to open them in PSP and export them - you will lose the settings which make them work properly if you do that.

If you have Paint Shop Pro version 6 or 7 you can still use my Paint Shop Pro 8 tubes by renaming the files after you have saved them, changing the .PspImage to .tub 

All tubes are on transparent backgrounds

tube thumbnail - purple foil egg

Purple Foil Easter Egg

tube thumbnail - blue foil egg

Blue Foil Easter Egg

tube thumbnail - gold foil egg

Gold Foil Easter Egg

tube thumbnail - pink foil egg

Pink Foil Easter Egg

tube thumbnail - embossed egg

Embossed Plum Easter Egg

tube thumbnail - patterned egg

Purple Patterned Easter Egg

tube thumbnail - aubergene egg

Aubergene Easter Egg

tube thumbnails - red lava egg

Red Lava Easter Egg

tube thumbnail - silver foil egg

Silver Foil Easter Egg

tube thumbnails - turquoise foil egg

Turquoise Foil Easter Egg

tube thumbnail - pumpkin


tube thumbnail - christmas tree

Christmas Tree

tube thumbnail - christmas tree

Christmas Tree

tube thumbnail - witches broom

Witches Broom

tube thumbnail - hanging bat

Hanging Bat


Teddy Santa

Red Garland
Tube Brush

Santa Hat


Click images to download individual files - Save them directly to your PSP Tubes folder 
(no need to extract first)