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Jewellery Tubes

 This page contains tubes for Paint Shop Pro (PSP) which are jewelry items, made from silver or gold, or ornamental glass objects.  

The chain and twisted rod are tube brushes which you use in a continuous motion to "paint" a chain or length of rod.  They select images in the correct orientation from the direction in which the mouse is being moved.  Please save these tubes directly to you tubes folder and use them from there (they do not need to be unzipped).  You should NOT try to open them in PSP and export them - you will lose the settings which make them work properly if you do that.

If you have Paint Shop Pro version 6 or 7 you can still use my Paint Shop Pro 8 tubes by renaming the files after you have saved them, changing the .PspImage to .tub 

All tubes are on transparent backgrounds

tube thumbnail - filigree corner

Silver Filigree Corner

tube thumbnail - glass bow

Glass Bow

tube thumbnail - glass bow

Glass Flower

tube thumbnail - silver butterfly

Silver Butterfly

tube thumbnail - silver locket

Silver Locket

tube thumbnail - silver flowers

Silver Flowers

tube thumbnail - silver moon

Silver Moon

tube thumbnail - silver star

Silver Star

tube thumbnail - silver squiggle

Silver Squiggle

tube thumbnail - silver star

Silver Star

tube thumbnail - silver sun

Silver Sun

tube thumbnail - silver chain

Silver Chain

tube thumbnail - silver leaf

Silver Leafe

tube thumbnail - silver flower

Silver Flower

tube thumbnail - silver flower

Silver Flower

tube thumbnail - amethyst heart

Amethyst Heart

tube thumbnail - blue gem flower

Blue Gem Flower

tube thumbnail - blue glass flower

Blue Gem Flower

tube thumbnail - blue jewel

Blue Gem

tube thumbnail - blue jewel

Blue Gem

tube thumbnail - clear gem

Oval Gem

tube thumbnail - jewel cluster

Gem Cluster

tube thumbnail - diamond gem

Diamond Gem

tube thumbnail - emerald heart jewel

Emerald Heart

tube thumbnail - large pale jewel

Oval Gem

tube thumbnail - silver jewel mount

Hexagonal Gem Mount

tube thumbnail - red petal gem

Ruby Petal

tube thumbnail - purple flower jewel

Purple Gem Flower

tube thumbnail - round gem

Round Gem

tube thumbnail - topaz gem

Topaz Gem

tube thumbnail - turquoise heart jewel

Blue Heart

tube thumbnail - white jewel

White Gem

tube thumbnail - silk twist, twisted silver rod

Twisted Rod
(Silk Twist)

tube thumbnail - silver cross

Silver Cross

Silver Heart

Click images to download individual files - Save them directly to your PSP Tubes folder 
(no need to extract first)