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Tutorial for PSP 8

In this tutorial we first draw this penguin using basic shapes and then convert him to a raster layer to add shading using the Inner Bevel effect.

Create a new image 300 x 300, Raster Background,  colour=white

Layers menu, New Vector Layer


Click on the Preset Shapes Tool 

 Set up the materials pallet:

On your materials pallet, set the Background colour black, solid colour,  and turn the Foreground colour off by clicking the

Penguin's Body:

Set the tool options as shown below - Select the Ellipse (circle) tool from the pull down list.

Drag diagonally on your image to draw an oval about 2/3 the height of the image.

Click the Object Selector tool .  In PSP Photo XI use the Picker tool.

Use the handles on the corners  to adjust the size/shape of the oval if you need to.

Point at the spot in the center of the oval and hold down the left mouse button to drag oval to the bottom of the canvas area.

Click the Objects menu, Align, Horz. Centre in Canvas.

The Head:

Click the Preset Shapes tool

In the blank area above the body, drag diagonally to draw another oval, slightly narrower than the body and about half the height.


Click on the Object Selector tool  (Picker tool in PSP Photo XI)
  • use the handles on the corners to adjust the size/shape of the oval,

  • then point at the centre spot and drag the oval into position above the penguin's body.

Front of the Penguin:

Click on the Preset Shapes Tool  

On the Materials Pallet, change the Background colour to White.

Starting at point A, drag diagonally with mouse to draw an oval for the white front of the penguin.

Click on the Object Selector tool (Picker tool in PSP Photo XI)

User the handles on the edges of the oval to adjust its size/shape.

Drag the spot in the centre of the oval to position the oval in the bottom of the black oval, as shown.

Penguin's Eyes:

Click the Preset Shapes tool , and draw a small white oval on the penguin's head for one of the eyes.

Click the Object Selector tool and adjust the size/shape and position of the eye if necessary. In PSP Photo XI use the Picker tool.

Duplicate the eye by doing the following: 

On your keyboard, hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the letter C to copy the eye to the clipboard.  Then hold down Ctrl while pressing G.  move the mouse over a little and click to position the copy of the eye.  By duplicating instead of drawing again, we can be sure both eyes will be the same size and shape.

Click on the Preset Shapes tool again.

On the Materials Pallet, change the Background colour to Black.

Draw a small circle in each eye.

Click the Object Selector tool (Picker tool in PSP Photo XI)

Adjust the size/shape and position of both the black circles in the eyes.










Penguin's Beak:

Click on the Preset Shapes tool

On the Materials Pallet, set the Background colour to Orange

On the Tool Options, select the Triangle from the list of shapes.

Draw a triangle by dragging from point A to point B - diagonally upwards.

Click the Object Selector tool . (Picker tool in PSP Photo XI)

Move the triangle into position just below the penguin's eyes and adjust its size/shape if necessary.



Penguin's Feet:

Click on the Preset Shapes tool

On the Materials Pallet, the Background colour should still be set to Orange

On the Tool Options, the Triangle should still be selected.

Draw a triangle by dragging from point C to point D.

Click the Object Selector tool (Picker tool in PSP Photo XI)

Move the triangle into position at the bottom of  the penguin's body and adjust its size/shape if necessary.

Duplicate the first foot triangle to make the 2nd:

  • Click on the foot triangle with the Object Selector Tool

  • On the keyboard, hold down Ctrl and press C

  • On the keyboard, hold down Ctrl and press G

  • Click in the space alongside the first foot triangle.








Penguin's Flippers:

Click on the Preset Shapes tool

On the Materials Pallet, set the Background colour to dark grey.

On the Tool Options, select the Ellipse (circle) shape.

Draw a long, thin Oval, about half the height of the penguin's body.


Click the Objectg Selector. (Picker tool in PSP Photo XI)

Duplicate this oval shape in the same way as you have the others (Ctrl-C the Ctrl-G on your keyboard).

Position the flippers one on either side of the body and rotate them inwards at the top.


Shape the Flippers:

With the Object Selector tool, click on the LEFT flipper

Click on the Pen tool

Click on the node half way down the outer edge of the flipper.  Hold down the left mouse button and drag the node up and out a little from the penguin's body  - as shown by the black arrow on this node in picture 1.

Next, click on the node at the bottom of the flipper.  Hold down the mouse button and drag this node a small distance down and in towards the penguin's body - as shown by the black arrow on this node in picture 1.

To sharpen the tip of the flipper: 

hover the mouse over the point of the arrow going through the node.

when the mouse pointed changes to rounded arrows, hold down the left mouse button and drag the arrow-head up to lengthen it and in towards the edge of the flipper, ending in-line with the edge and pointing straight up.

When you are happy with the positions of the nodes, click the Object Selector tool . (Picker tool in PSP Photo XI)

Click on the RIGHT flipper, and then click on the Pen Tool

Now shape the RIGHT flipper in the same way as you did the left one.  When you bend the arrow on the bottom node, it will be the end with the circle on it that you drag this time.

Click the Object Selector tool when the shaping is complete.



Note: You can go back through your node adjustment steps by clicking the Undo button on the Tool Bar, just underneath the Effects menu.



Layers menu, Convert to Raster Layer

Go to the Selection Tools and Get the Magic Wand Tool.  On the Tool Options, make the following settings:

Mode=Replace, Match Mode=RGB Value, Tolerance=0, Anti-alias=ticked

With the Magic Wand, click on the LEFT Flipper.

Effects menu, 3D Effects, Inner Bevel.  Use the following settings:

Bevel Shape=2 (rounded), Width=5, Smoothness=75, Depth=4, Ambience=0, Shininess=40, Colour=White, Angle=122, Intensity=50, Elevation=30.

When you've made all the settings, click OK.

With the Magic Wand tool still selected, click on the RIGHT flipper.  The "marching ants" should disappear from the Left flipper and now be around the Right flipper.

Apply the same Inner bevel as you did to the Left flipper, but change the angle to 230. (Effects menu, 3D Effects, Inner Bevel - change Angle to 230 and click OK.)

With the Magic Wand Tool, click on the penguin's white belly.

Effects menu, 3D Effects, Inner Bevel - same settings as before except for the angle.  Change the Angle to 0. Click OK.

With the Magic Wand Tool, click on the penguin's orange beak.

On the keyboard, hold down the Shift key (the one underneath the Caps Lock key) and while holding it down, click on both of the penguin's feet with the Magic Wand Tool.  You should end up with marching ants around the beak, and both of the feet.

Effect menu, 3D Effects, Inner Bevel - use these settings: 

Bevel Shape 2 (as before), Width=5, Smoothness=50, Depth=3, Ambience=0, Shininess=0, Colour=White, Angle=180, Intensity=50, Elevation=30.

Selections menu, Select None.

This is how to find the magic wand tool

This is how to select the bevel shape



Note: If you can't get all three of orange areas selected together, select each one in turn and apply the inner-bevel settings to it then repeat for the next one.

To Export as a tube:

On the keyboard, Ctrl C then Ctrl V (creates a new image with the penguin, the exact size of the penguin).

File, Export, Picture Tube - enter filename and click OK.