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 Adding A Border To

An Image - PSP 8 or 9

We are going to give this image a simple frame.

Right click on the image above and save it to your hard drive - Then open it in PSP.

Click the Window menu and choose Duplicate.  Close the original image - we will work on the copy. (the original will have the file name "flowers_in_cup" on its title bar)

Click the Image menu, Add Border

Click the colour swatch and choose a colour that contrasts well with your image.   You need a colour that is completely different to anything at the edge of your image.  This is so that we can select the border easily.

Make sure the "symmetric"  box is ticked, and then enter 20 for the border size in any of the boxes.

Now we need the magic wand tool.   It may be on your tool bar or you may need to open out the Selection Tools and make it the active tool in that group.

When you have the Magic Wand, set your tool options as follows:

Mode = Replace
Match Mode = RGB Value (to match colour)
Tolerance = 0
Feather = 0
Anti-Alias = Ticked and set to Outside.

You should now see "marching ants" around the inside and outside edge of the border
Click on the Flood Fill tool 

On the Materials Pallet, set the Foreground material to whatever color, fill pattern or gradient you'd like to have your border.  I've used a dark green picked from the center of the big yellow flower.

Then click inside the selected area (the border).

If you don't like how it looks with the image you can try a different foreground material and fill it again.

Now we are going to apply a bevel to the border to make it look like a frame.

Click Effects, 3D Effects, Inner Bevel

Use the settings shown here.

While the border area is selected, its possible to apply other effects, such as a texture as well.... you can experiment if you want to.

Click the Selections Menu, Select None.   (your marching ants disappear)

 Save the image as a .jpg ready to share your results.

© AnotherJo