Rose Weave Tag
I've used this tube - click the image to download it.
Right click on this image and save it to your hard
drive, then open it in PSP (we will be using it as a
mask later)
Create a new image 300 x 300 pixels, white background
Layers, New Raster Layer
on the Flood Fill tool
Set your foreground material to Gradient and select
the Foreground-Background option - Style = linear,
Repeats = 5, Angle 45.
Set the foreground colour to a beige (I used #BA9A7E)
and the background colour to cream (I used #F6ECD4)
Fill the layer with the foreground material (the
Effects, Texture Effects, Weave
Gap Size = 20, Width = 8, Opacity = 50, Weave Colour
= #5C483A (dark brown), Gap Colour = Red, Fill Gaps =
Magic Wand
Mode =
Match Mode = RGB Value
Tolerance = 0
Click on one of the red squares
Selections, Modify, Select Colour Range: -
Tolerance =
1, Softness = 0, Click on the Reference Colour block and
set it to the same colour red as you used for the weave
gap color, Add Color Range selected. (PSP 7
use "Select Similar" option instead of Select
Colour Range)
You should have all the red squares selected.
Edit, Clear (or press Del on the keyboard)
Selections, Select None
PSP 8: Layers menu, New Mask Layer, From Image,
Choose the corner_mask image from the pull down list,
Source Luminance selected
PSP 7:
Masks, New, From Image, Choose the corner_mask
image from the pull down list, Source Luminance selected
On your layer pallet, click on the top layer.
Layers, New Raster Layer
Tube tool, select the cream rose tube, set the scale
to 65. Click on the center of your image.
Colorise the tube - Hue = 23, Saturation = 60
(PSP 8 - Adjust, Hue & Saturation, Colorise.
PSP 7 - Colours, Colorise.)
Layers, Duplicate
On the lower of the two layers with the rose tube,
Adjust Blur, Gausian Blur - Radius = 18
(PSP 7 - Effects, Blur, Gausian Blur)
Turn off the visibility for all layers except for the
2 with the rose tube (they are the top 2)
Right click on one of the 2 top layers, Layers,
Merge, Merge Visible
Turn the lower layers back on.
Click on the Mover Tool, select the
"merged" layer on the layer pallet and move
your rose into position, just inside the top left corner
of the weave pattern. (so that there is space for your
name below it).
Layers, Merge, Merge All
Text Tool - set the background to
Foreground-Background gradient and the foreground to
solid colour. Add your text with Stroke Width set
to 1. I've used a font called Renaissance at size
If you've created your text as Vector, convert the
layer to Raster (Layers, Convert To Raster)
Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow - Horizontal=2,
Vertical=2, Opacity=50, Blur=5, Colour=Black.
Layers, Merge, Merge All
Save as
.jpg file.