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Zoom Twirl Tag 

This tutorial is written for PSP 8 but can be done with PSP 7 or 9

You will need the Visman (VM) Toolbox filter set from HERE 
Unzip the filter your PSP plugins folder.

You can download my Tree Blossom tube HERE
the tube is not zipped - you can save it directly to your tubes folder. 

The tube is in PSP 7 format for compatibility with versions 7, 8 and 9.

Create a New Image 300 x 300 pixels, White background
Layers, New Raster layer
Click your tube tool, locate the tube, set the scale to 50 and click in the centre of the canvas to add the tube.

Effects, Plugins, VM Toolbox, Zoom Blur.  

Settings: Amount = 20, Adjust = 20

Selections, Select All

Effects, Distortion Effects, Twirl - Degrees= -110

Selections, Select None


On the Layer pallet, slide the Layer Opacity to 80 

Layers Duplicate

Deformation Tool, twist around about a quarter of a turn (90 degrees) to fill in gap (althernaively, use Image, Rotate, Free Rotate - Right, 90, All Layers Unchecked)


Layers, New Raster Layer

Tube tool, place tube in center of canvas again. 

Use Deformation tool (Picker tool in PSP Photo XI) to rotate through about 30 degrees and move the tube up slightly from the center of the canvas.

Change layer blend mode to Lighten
Layers, New Raster Layer

Tube tool, place tube in center of canvas.

Deformation tool (Picker tool in PSP Photo XI), move tube down a little and rotate about 20 degrees.

Adjust, Sharpness, Sharpen

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, H=2, V=2, Opacity=50, Blur=6, Colour=Black


New Vector Layer

Click the Text Tool (the big A).

Set your background colour to a deep red from the tube (use the dropper over the tube once you have the colour picker open).

Set the foreground material to null (no-entry sign)



On the Options Pallet, make sure Create As is set to Vector.  I've used the font Monotype Corsiva, size 48 - use whatever font/size you prefer. 

Make sure Anti-Alias is ticked.

Click in the bottom area of the canvas.

Enter your name (or other text) in the box.  Highlight the text and adjust the formatting if necessary, then click Apply.

Click on the Object Selector tool (Picker tool in PSP Photo XI).   Use the handles on the sides of the text to adjust its size (this is the advantage of creating text as Vector) and use the center spot to drag it into position.


When you are happy with the size/position of the text.....

Layers menu, Convert to Raster Layer

Effects, 3D Effects, Inner Bevel - use these settings:

Bevel Profile 2 (the quarter circle)
Width = 2
Smoothness = 25
Depth = 3
Ambience = 0
Shininess = 50
Colour = White
Angle = 315
Intensity = 50
Elevation = 30

Note: If you used a very different font/size text you may need to adjust the width and depth of the bevel.

Layers menu, Merge All (flatten)

Save as .jpg file (click Options and make sure your compression is set to 1 - this retains the high image quality)