


Terms of Use


Bubbles Tag

This tutorial is written for PSP 7.  For instructions for later versions of PSP go HERE.

You will need my Clear Bubble Tube HERE. You can save the tube file to your PSP tubes folder (it doesn't need to be unzipped), but you will need to open it in PSP for this tutorial.

Create a new image 450 x 200, white background, raster.

Layers menu, new Vector Layer

Click on the text tool

On the Materials Pallet, set the foreground color to a medium shade of blue, and the background color to null.

Click in the centre of the canvas with the text tool


Set the following text options:

Create As = Vector
Font = Comic Sans MS
Size = 48
Stroke Width = 2
Anti-Alias = ticked (smooth in PSP 9)
Alignment = Centre
Line Style = Solid
Auto Kern = ticked


Enter your text.   If the text fills more than approximately half the width of the canvas, then reduce its size to 36.

When you are happy with the size of the text, click Apply.


image 50% of actual size


Objects menu, Align, Centre In Canvas

Objects menu, Convert Text To Curves, As Character Shapes

Objects menu, Ungroup

Objects menu, Distribute, Space Evenly Horz.


Image 50% of actual size


Open the clear_bubble-jh tube in PSP

Edit menu, Copy (or Ctrl-C)

Layers menu, New Raster Layer

Click on the Selection tool

Selection Type = Circle
Mode = Replace
Feather = 0
Anti-Alias = ticked (smooth)

Point in the centre of the first letter and drag outwards to create a circular selection around the letter.  Make sure your selection finishes a little in from the edge of the canvas.


Edit menu, Paste, Paste Into Selection

Do the same with the next letter, creating a selection by starting pointing at its centre and dragging outwards.  The selection should overlap the previous bubble a little. And then paste the bubble into the selection.

Create a circular selection around each letter in turn, and paste the bubble into the selection.  When you get to the last letter, make sure you have a space between the edge of the selection and the edge of the canvas.

When you have pasted the bubble into the last letter, Selections menu, Select None.


Effects menu, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow

Vertical = 0
Horizontal = 0
Opacity = 60
Blur = 20
Colour = Medium Blue (same colour as used for the text)


Crop the image, merge the layers and Save as a .jpg file.