


Terms of Use


Butterfly and Flowers
Blend Tag

This tutorial is written for Paint Shop Pro 8, but it should be possible to complete it in other versions if you are familiar with how the tools operate in the version you have.

You will also need the following:

Flaming Pear's Super Blade Pro plugin filter - download a free trial version HERE

My "Aqua Purple Glass" preset for Super Blade Pro - download HERE
Don't unzip the preset until you have installed Super Blade Pro itself.  Unzip the files to your "Plugins\Super Blade Pro\Environments and Textures"   folder under where your PSP is installed.

A photograph of some flowers - you can download the one I used HERE
(thanks to Joyce for growing the flowers)

My Blue Butterfly tube - HERE
save the file directly to your tubes folder.
If you are using PSP7, rename the tube file to change the file extension to .tub

The Font I have used is Black Chancery
Unzip it to a folder, open the font file and minimise it to your task bar and leave it there while you are making the tag.


Open the photo you are going to use in PSP.

Window menu, Duplicate (or SHIFT D)

Close the original (it's the one with the filename at the top)

If necessary, resize the photo ..... 
(the one I supply has already been resized)

Image menu, Resize

  • Set the dimensions to be measured in Pixels

  • Set the Width box (the top one) to 500 
    (the height will be calculated by PSP)

  • Ignore all the settings in the Print Size box.

  • Make sure "Resample using", "Lock aspect ratio" and "Resize all layers" are all ticked as shown.

  • Make sure "Maintain original print size" box is clear.

  • Set the Resampling method to either Smart Size or Bicubic


Leave the photo open in PSP for later

Create a new image 400 x 300, Raster, Transparent.  

If you prefer smaller tags, make it this size and resize it at the end to make it smaller - SuperBladePro settings don't scale down very well.

Click on the Flood Fill tool


Set up the Materials Pallet:

Set the Foreground Colour to #CBEAF5  - click on the top small colour square and put this number in the box labelled HTML on the materials style window (on the colour tab). 

Set the Background colour to White, solid colour.

Set the Foreground material type to Gradient and then click on the large foreground sample block to set up the gradient:

Gradient = Foreground - Background 
Angle =90
Repeats = 1
Style = Linear

Click on your image to flood fill it with the blue gradient.

Layers menu, New Raster Layer

this is how the materials pallet should look when you have made all the settings


On the Materials Pallet, click on the small colour block for the Foreground Colour.  Change the number in the HTML box to #EECAF6

Click on the large foreground sample block to change the gradient settings:

Angle = 0
(leave all the other settings as they are)

Click on your image to flood fill with the purple gradient.


Make sure you have your Layers Pallet visible.  View menu, Pallets, Layers (F8 on PSP 8, L on PSP 7.

On the top layer, click where the word Normal is and choose Multiply from the list.  Or, Layers menu, Properties and change the Blend Mode to Multiply.


Layers menu, Merge, Merge All (Flatten)
smaller than actual size
Leave this image open in PSP but switch windows so that your flower photo is the active one.

Click on the Selection Tool

On the Tool Options pallet, make the following settings:

Selection Type = Ellipse
Mode = Replace
Feather = 30
Anti-Alias = ticked

Start with your pointer in the middle of the flowers and drag outwards until you have an oval around the part of the photo you want to use.

Edit menu, Copy

Smaller than actual size


Activate the other image window

Edit menu, Paste, Paste As New Layer


Smaller than actual size
Layers menu, Properties - change the Opacity to 25

Click on the Mover tool (Pick tool in later versions of PSP) and use it to drag the flowers to the right hand side of the tag.


Layers menu, New Raster Layer

Click on the Tube tool and select my blue_butterfly2-jh tube from the list on the options pallet.

Click on the left hand side of the tag to place the butterfly tube.

Use the Move tool (Pick too in later PSP versions) to drag the butterfly into its final position in the upper part of the left side of the tag.

Layers menu, Properties - change the Blend mode to Luminance (Legacy).


Effects menu, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow

Horizontal = 3
Vertical = 3
Opacity = 20
Blur = 15
Colour = Black


On the Layers Pallet, click on the Bottom (Background) layer.

Edit menu, Copy

Edit menu, Paste, Past As New Image

Minimize this image window

Activate the window with your tag again

On the Layers Pallet, click on the top layer.

Layers menu, New Vector Layer


Click on the Text Tool

On the Materials Pallet, click on the large background material block.

Click on the Pattern Tab

Make the following settings:

Angle = 45
Scale = 50

Click the down arrow next to the pattern sample to choose a pattern. You should see something similar to what is shown below.




You should see one the same as the middle one in the top row.  It's actually the copy of the background we made earlier.

Click on it to make it the selected pattern. Then Click OK



With the text tool selected, click on the area of the tag with the flowers.

Use these settings:

Font = Black Chancery (or another bold font)
Size = 48
Anti-Alias = ticked (or set to smooth)

Click on the Object Selector (Pick tool in PSP Photo XI) and adjust the position of the text so its sits over the flowers.


Click on the Text tool again

Click in the bottom of the tag and this time add your name, using the same settings as before.

Click on the Object Selector, and adjust the position  if you need to.

With the Object Selector tool (Pick tool in PSP Photo XI), hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard and click on the other text.

The selection marquee should now be around all of the text.


Selections menu, From Vector Object

Layers menu, Convert To Raster Layer

Effects menu, Plugins, Flaming Pear, SuperBladePro

Click the Open Settings File button, and browse to locate me preset file - jh7-purple-aqua-glass.q5q

Click on OK to apply the settings to your text.

Selections menu, Select None

Layers menu, Merge, Merge All (Flatten)



Now we just need to create the frame.....

We need to add a border and have it selected - the following method works for PSP 8 and later versions.  If you have PSP 7 look at my tutorial HERE for instructions for adding the border and selecting it.

Selections memu, Select All

Image, Add Borders - 8 Pixels, Symmetric

Selections Menu, Invert


Click on the Flood Fill tool

On the Materials Pallet, click the large foreground materials box.

Click on the Pattern Tab

Click the arrow to look at the available patterns and choose the one made from the tag background again and use the following settings:

Angle = 90
Scale = 50


Click on the selected border to fill it with the pattern.


Effects menu, Plugins, Flaming Pear, SuperBladePro

Using the same settings as for the text, except for the Height setting.

Use the slider to change the Height setting to 60



Selections menu, Select None

Save the tag in .jpg format.


You could use completely different images / tubes for this tag with completely different colours.  You just need to change the lighting colours in Super Blade Pro to suite your colour scheme.

Here's one I made with Autumn Colours

This is where you change the lighting colours in Super Blade Pro

For more information about usign Super Blade Pro, see my tutorial on using it with presets


Have fun experimenting!