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Velvet Cushion
Shading with the Cut-Out effect

This tutorial is written for Paint Shop Pro 8 but can be done with versions 7 and 9.  No external filters are needed.  The tutorial is for making the cushion and name plate only - the flowers are supplied as a tube.  

You can get my Silver Flowers Tube HERE or use one of the other silver items - or any tube that needs a dark background to show it off.

Create a new image 300 x 300 pixels, transparent background (raster)


Click on the Selection Tool

On the Options pallet, set the Selection Type to Circle, and the Mode to Replace.

Start with the mouse pointer in the middle of your image and drag outwards to create a circular selection that almost fills your image.


Select the Flood Fill tool  


Set foreground colour to a dark colour for you cushion - make sure it is set to solid colour

Fill the selection with the colour

Adjust, Add/Remove Noise, Add noise
Gausain, 30%, Monochrome

Selections, Modify, Contract 10


Layers menu, New Raster Layer


Effects, 3D Effects, Cut-Out

Vertical = 20
Horizontal = -20
Opacity = 70
Blur = 100
Shadow Color = Black
Fill with colour = unticked.


Layers menu, New Raster Layer

Effects, 3D Effects, Cut-Out

Vertical = -20
Horizontal = 20
Opacity = 70
Blur = 100
Shadow Color = Black
Fill with colour = unticked.


Layers menu, Merge, Merge Visible


Selections menu, Invert

Selections menu, Float

Selections menu, Defloat 
(the edge of the cushion should now be selected.

Effects, 3D effects, Inner Bevel

Shape 2
Width = 3
Smoothness = 20
Depth = 3
Ambience = 0
Shininess = 0
Color = White
Angle = 315
Intensity = 50
Elevation = 30


Selections, Select None.

File, Export, Picture Tube... give it a name and click OK.


Layers menu, New Raster Layer

Click on the Selection Tool

On the Options pallet, set the Selection Type to Rounded Rectangle, and the Mode to Replace.

Drag diagonally to create a rectangle in the bottom, center of the cushion.


Select the Flood Fill tool

Set the foreground colour to white, and set the background colour to pale gray (#C0C0C0).

Set the foreground material to Gradient and select the Foreground-Background gradient.

Style = Linear
Angle = 45
Repeats = 3

Fill the selection with the gradient.

Effects menu, 3D Effects, Inner Bevel - use the same settings as before.

Selections menu, Select None

Layers menu, New Vector Layer

Click on the Text tool

Set the foreground material/colour to null (no-entry sign)

Set the background colour to medium grey, solid colour

Click on the center of the rectangle with the text tool

Font = Copperplate Gothic Bold
Size = 20 to 30 depending on length of name
Alignment = Centre
Anti-Alias = ticked (set to smooth on PSP9)

Enter name in the text box and click Apply

Click on the Object Selector tool(use the Picker tool in PSP Photo XI), and move the text into position in the center of the rectangular plate. You can also stretch or squeeze the text to get a good fit, using the handles on the text selection frame.

When you are happy with the size/position of the text.....


Layers menu, Convert to Raster Layer

Effects, Texture Effects, Emboss

On the Layers pallet, reduce the opacity of the top layer to 80


Click the Tube tool, select the tube you want to use from the pull down list on the Options pallet, and click wherever you want to place it on the cushion.

If you use a different tube and reduce the scale from 100% to make it fit, then Adjust, Sharpness, Sharpen.

Layers menu, Merge All (Flatten)

Save as .jpg file.